How to last longer in bed is the most visited question by men from all parts of the world. There are some easy-to-follow techniques to keep you hold during sexual intercourse. This will add value to your satisfaction and keep your woman happy with your potential.
Women love to be nurtured by the sexual potential of men in different sexual positions. Unfortunately, majority of men are incapable of holding their orgasm till the extent desired by every woman during sexual intercourse. The problems like premature ejaculation may bring wide gap between the couple, parting their ways in different directions. The good news is that there are few tried and trusted techniques to boost up your energy and learn how to last longer in bed. So, next time you are ready to install your tool in her, you must follow these tips to help her have a better orgasm.
Keep Your Mind Free From Sex
Men are known to shelter sexual desires 24 hours a day. However, when the ultimate moments of the game of lovemaking are about to begin, stop thinking about sex. Fill your mind with irrelevant thoughts like a fight with your colleague or the office presentation next day. Moral of the story is that less you think about sex, more you stretch your period of satisfying your partner with your sexual practices.
Focus On Her Orgasm
Your first priority must be to allow your woman to ejaculate before you. Thus, don't think about your orgasm during sexual intercourse. Try to keep that section of your brain blank, which stimulates the force driving towards orgasm. Once she releases her love juices, you may proceed with for your own pleasuring moments.
Stop At Various Places
Before you reach your destination, you must stop your ride at a number of stations in between. This will help your penis to relax and also, enforce the woman to go crazy in absence of your tool inside her. You may take deep breaths and start with another round from the scratch. This definitely helps you to learn how to last longer in bed.
Try Different Positions
Having sex in a particular position may induce the habit in your mind to ejaculate at a particular point of time. Thus, you must try different positions during a particular intercourse session. One of the most recommended sexual positions is to let her ride you, while you lay down on your back.
Have A Second Session
Once you get exhausted while releasing your juices in the first session of sexual intercourse, you will definitely last longer the second time. Thus, you may convince her for a second round and promise to perform better. However, you must have sufficient time after second round to recover your lost power.
What Are The Treatments Available
The advancement in the field of sexual practices has lead to the discoveries of a number of significant products to fight problems like premature ejaculation. You may take recommendations from your doctor on how to last longer in bed and regain your power to keep your woman happy.
You may also practice the art of taming your ejaculation while masturbating. You may learn to put yourself on halt and begin again during stroking your penis. By following these procedures, you may become the expert player of the game of lovemaking.
1 komentar:
Premature Ejaculation, also known to health care experts as “Ejaculatio Praecox”, is probably the single most common sexual dysfunction in men. Statistics show that as much as 30 percent of men complain of premature ejaculation in most sexual encounters. Sex therapists define premature ejaculation as a lack of ejaculatory control, which interferes with sexual or emotional well being in one or both partners. http://www.buy-viagra-with-us.com/
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