Finding the female G-Spot is easy, but being able to reach it yourself is almost impossible. Unless you're a contortionist or have freakishly long fingers. Believe me I've tried to reach it myself and no matter what I try or what crazy positions I get myself into, there is just no way on earth that I'm ever going to reach it.
This is where a man comes in handy (well they have to have their uses) or your female partner if you're so inclined. The way I find that works best for myself, is to kneel on the sofa (or a bed would work) with my knees together, bending over and with my head and shoulders down on the sofa (usually biting onto a cushion by the end of it) so that my ass is held up high and that my vagina is well exposed, I then get my partner to insert his fingers and proceed to find my G-Spot (it's ok I told him where it was). Bending over is what works for me, I've also read that it's really good to do it standing up, but standing up didn't work for me personally.
OK how to find it...
Get your partner to insert his or her fingers into your vagina, so that their finger tips are pressing towards your pubic area, if they press against the vagina wall, pressing against your pubic area and feel around, roughly about an inch - two inches deep, your partner will feel a spongy area with a slightly rigged texture. This is the female G-spot and this where all the magic happens (believe me) once they have found it, you'll want them to play with it (honestly, you really do) and a few of things that really work best for me is...
1. Pressing hard against the G-Spot and making a รข€˜come here' gesture with their fingers, two fingers work best. 2. Again pressing really firmly against the G-Spot (don't worry you wont break it) and moving the fingers in a circular motion on and around the G-Spot. Again best with two fingers, but that's just my personal preference. 3. Fingering really fast and quite hard, get your partner to slip his or her fingers in and out of your vagina. All the way out and all the way back in (very fast) and curling their fingers towards your pubic bone as they do, so that their fingers hit the G-spot on every entry. Well that's all that I can say about the female G-spot I don't think there is anything more to it, but hopefully someone will find this helpful, as once you've found your G-Spot, and find what works for you personally, it really is worth it.
If you don't have a partner or would just rather have a little play with it yourself there are sex toys out there catered for finding your G-spot such as the Bens Gspot smoothy, which can make things a lot easier when by yourself.
Hope you found this helpful.
Have fun.
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