Lillian Hartley, 95, and Allan Marks, 98.When Lillian Hartley, 95, and Allan Marks, 98, tied the knot this week, they unknowingly became the world's oldest newlyweds. Their combined 193 years broke the previous record of 191 years.
"Honest to God? Oh, I can't believe it," Hartley told The Desert Sun about breaking the record. "Oh, I'm impressed with myself."
Lillian Hartley, 95, and Allan Marks, 98.
The happy couple met 18 years ago at temple on Yom Kippur in Palm Springs. He complimented her dress, and their relationship grew from there.
"I believe in fate and destiny a little bit and I think that was meant to be," Hartley told ABC News. "I had been a widow for six years and I really loved my freedom. …I said, 'Oh, I don't want a relationship,'…and then he came along, and somehow hooked me."
The Ordinary Andra
Just About Me
5 Easy Male Skin Care Tips to Help Identify a Man's Skin Type

A common bias says that man skin care products and routines do not exist and that these beauty procedures are only meant for women but, little did they know that male skin care is as important as womens and should be taken seriously as such. That is the past. These days, men take good care of their epidermis as much as women do. Actually, they pay so much attention to their skin that male targeted products are becoming more available in the market. There are even stores that are exclusive for male skin care.
The first step to purchase one of these products, especially crème, is to know your skin type. There is a wide variety of male skin care products available in the market and it is difficult to figure out which is best for you if you do not know what skin type you have. The regimen and procedures also depend on the condition and type of epidermis.
You Don't Have to Starve to Lose Weight

How often have you tried to "diet", only to find yourself eating more junk food than you did before? I'm sure most of you are nodding your head and remembering numerous attempts to shed those unwanted pounds only to throw in the towel after the first week. The important thing to keep in mind is, you're not alone.
Overwieght and obesity have reached nationwide epidemic proportions. According to the Office of the Surgeon General from the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services, an estimated 61% of the adult population in the United States are overweight along with 27% of children and adolescents.
Overwieght and obesity have reached nationwide epidemic proportions. According to the Office of the Surgeon General from the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services, an estimated 61% of the adult population in the United States are overweight along with 27% of children and adolescents.
Parental control computers software

A whole world opens up when we log on to the Internet. Lack of censorship on the Web gives us the freedom to explore. Unfortunately, a child can explore with similar freedom, and while doing so may be exposed to inappropriate material, or worse, download pernicious malware in the form of seemingly innocuous computer software. They may even reveal personal details such as a home address or credit card numbers that a criminal could exploit.
Instructing a child in precautions when they go online can be as important as teaching him or her how to cross the street. With children showing interest in computer software technology from the age of two, it's important to start as soon as they are computer savvy so that they don't get into any bad habits. Young kids can be guided to entertaining, educational websites and learn to avoid pernicious influences found elsewhere on the Net. If they find a site that piques their interest, they won't want to navigate to other areas of the Web.
Instructing a child in precautions when they go online can be as important as teaching him or her how to cross the street. With children showing interest in computer software technology from the age of two, it's important to start as soon as they are computer savvy so that they don't get into any bad habits. Young kids can be guided to entertaining, educational websites and learn to avoid pernicious influences found elsewhere on the Net. If they find a site that piques their interest, they won't want to navigate to other areas of the Web.
Tips For Men To Learn How To Last Longer In Bed

How to last longer in bed is the most visited question by men from all parts of the world. There are some easy-to-follow techniques to keep you hold during sexual intercourse. This will add value to your satisfaction and keep your woman happy with your potential.
Women love to be nurtured by the sexual potential of men in different sexual positions. Unfortunately, majority of men are incapable of holding their orgasm till the extent desired by every woman during sexual intercourse. The problems like premature ejaculation may bring wide gap between the couple, parting their ways in different directions. The good news is that there are few tried and trusted techniques to boost up your energy and learn how to last longer in bed. So, next time you are ready to install your tool in her, you must follow these tips to help her have a better orgasm.
The Best Time to Read to a Child

When is the best time to read to your child? I'll bet you responded bedtime. This is a trick question. Experts suggest that the best time children's picture books and other stories should be read to your child is "as often as possible anytime throughout the day." What is quite shocking is that public records show that only a paltry 50% of parents read to their kids at all. It's hard to believe. How could so many Moms and Dads deprive their little ones of one of the most useful tools they have at their fingertips for aiding in their children's language and cognitive skill development? How could they miss out on the invaluable experience of watching their kids' faces as a new story unfolds, or miss the opportunity to get that close to them? It's a mystery to me.
Getting Kids Interested in Cooking

Getting the older kids cooking healthy snacks that are simple will help keep them occupied and train them into healthy habits. Young children always want to help out in the kitchen and letting them mix, measure and chop - with a plastic knife - will help develop their hand-eye coordination and their maths skills. Easy recipes for kids can be no-cook meals such as fresh fruit salad and coleslaw. As they get older they will be able to cope with simple meals.
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